Accu-Chek Golf Ball Tool
The Golf Ball Tool is no longer being made..
Are your golfing partners playing the course in fewer strokes? They may be
using a smaller diameter golf ball. Does your your ball slice, or go to high or low?
It may be out-of-round.
Manufactured from brushed, high-grade aluminum, GolfBallTool's
Accu-Chek ball tool is a precision
gauge used to check for official USGA
standard size (1.68 inches) and out-of-roundness
of your golf balls:
 To check
the size of your golf ball, place the ball into the hole marked NO-GO. If the ball goes
through, even when you apply pressure with your thumb, the ball is smaller in diameter than the
official 1.68 inches specified by the
USGA . This ball is "illegal" for tournament play.
 To check the roundness of your golf ball, place the ball through the hole marked
GO. The ball
should easily go through this hole. Lift the ball into the hole so that the upper half is above the
plate and the lower half below. While holding the tool with one hand, twirl the ball in the hole
using the thumb and forefinger of your other hand. If the ball rubs or binds, then it is
significantly out-of-round (egg-shaped).
This golf ball tool may be custom engraved with the name of your clubhouse or organization. It can
be presented as a trophy or prize, bundled with one of your products, or given away as a freebie at
conventions and other events. The golf ball tool may also be custom manufactured from stainless
steel with GO/NO-GO holes of dimensions that you specify. Please contact
us about custom inscription and volume ordering and pricing.
Approximate Dimensions: 6 1/4" long by 2 1/2" wide by 3/16" thick
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